Triple P Bus Tour
The Partners Preservation Project (or Triple P) began in 2020 as a restoration project for 4 of our properties: Crown Pointe, Gladstone, Guerin, and Linwood. After many years of hard work and persistence, we are proud to announce that all Triple P properties have completed renovations and are open for housing!
As a celebration of this huge collaborative effort, we had an idea: what if we could SHOW our supporters and partners the fruits of our labor? Thus: the Triple P Bus Tour!
We are gauging interest in a charter bus tour to view the 4 properties. Our proposal is that the tour would drive past 2 of the properties and stop at the other 2, allowing participants to go inside to see the newly renovated community spaces. But before we book the bus, we wanted to hear from YOU about your thoughts.
Please complete the questions below to share your interest and preferences for this tour!